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How it works

Firstly, you need to get the idea of how a context menu is created, there are two elements involved when creating a context menu:

  1. An menu element as the context menu
  2. An target element that the context menu applies to, you would mostly right click on it.


import { createContextMenu } from '@contextmenu/core'

// the element as the `contextmenu`
const menu = document.getElementById('menu')

// the above `contextmenu` applies to
const target = document.getElementById('target')

// now you're all set,
// right click on the `target`
// then you'll see the `menu` pops up.
const ctxMenu = createContextMenu(menu, { target })

The default target element is window if not specified.

import { createContextMenu } from '@contextmenu/core'

const menu = document.getElementById('menu')

// the default `target` is the global `window`.
const ctxMenu = createContextMenu(menu)


right click on me

Nested Menu

The ContextMenu caries an element as the menu that pops up while triggering contextmenu event (mostly by right clicking), the element could be your custom DOM, or, the built-in nested menu MenuGroup.

The structure may look like:

ContextMenu => A custom DOM element
# or
ContextMenu => MenuGroup{ rootElement, MenuItems }

You can use createNestedMenu function to do that, just provide a valid descriptor that describes what your menu looks like.


HTML structure

<div id="group">
  <div id="item1">Item1</div>
  <div id="item2">Item2</div>
  <div id="item3">
    <div id="nestedGroup">
      <div id="item1">Nested1</div>
      <div id="item2">Nested2</div>

JavaScript code

import { createNestedMenu } from '@contextmenu/core'

const subMenu = document.createElement('div')
subMenu1.innerHTML = '<li>Nested1</li>'
+ '<li>Nested2</li>'
+ '<li>Nested3</li>'

const ctx = createNestedMenu({
  // `el` could be a CSS selector or a real DOM.
  // You must ensure the DOM of the selector exists if providing a selector.
  el: '#group',
  items: [
    { el: '#item1' },
    { el: '#item2', subMenu: { el: subMenu } },
    { el: '#item3', subMenu: { el: '#nestedGroup' } },

Type Definition

export function createNestedMenu(
  descriptor: NestedMenu,
  options?: ContextMenuOptions
): ContextMenu

export type NestedMenuElement = string | StylableElement

export interface NestedMenu {
  el: NestedMenuElement
  items?: {
    el: NestedMenuElement
    subMenu?: NestedMenu

Framework support

The description introduces the basic idea and it's used in native javascript, we also provide high level framework preset:

Released under the MIT License.